We have released our next alpha snapshot for StepMania 5.3, Alpha 4.2. The main highlights for this build is our work on the input system, as well as continued work on our new renderer, and continuing improvements to our support for modern versions of macOS.

As always, delete your cache before installing (the uninstaller on Windows does this automatically). On macOS, you must uninstall the previous version.

In addition, we have once again changed the preferred OpenGL renderer on all platforms to glad. If you are maintaining save data from the previous build, you must go to Save/Preferences.ini in your installation directory and delete the VideoRenderers line, or change it to list glad instead of glfw. Note that on Windows platforms, Direct3D (d3d) is no longer supported as of Alpha 4.2.

Download links are, as always, on the Downloads page.

Confirmed issues

  • If you are experiencing crashes on startup, please update your graphics drivers. There have been confirmed reports of startup crashes on devices running outdated Intel integrated graphics drivers from prior to 2018.


All platforms

  • πŸ‰ Input has been completely rewritten to test controller input. The base keyboard/pad support works fine, but check your key mappings. If you encounter any issues, send us a bug report. It will likely change and be set back to our initial input method. * Player 2's keyboard mappings will need resetting to numpad as it sets +-/ as keys. (This is a hooks bug we will remove).
  • Lua's backend code has been made a little more stable. Theme developers are reminded that cmd is deprecated on 5.3, and that more efficient coding methods (such as function(self) blocks) should be used to improve performance.
  • Removed several cachemiss overflows, an important one being in the math pipe.
  • πŸ‰ Experimental touch support added. (There is no code at the moment, but it is on our roadmap.)
  • πŸ‰ Experimental hotplugging Support.
  • The DrunkOffset and TipsyOffset modifiers have been changed to match their behaviour on NotITG v4; the previous versions have been renamed to DrunkSpacing and TipsySpacing.
  • HiddenRegions has also been added
  • Optimise old ssc code from NoteDisplay.
  • Add option for hiding the mascot character on the title screen in Soundwaves


  • Minimum supported version is macOS Sierra (10.12).
  • Please UNINSTALL the previous version before installing this version. As mentioned, set your renderer to glad if you keep your Preferences.ini
  • πŸ‰ Gatekeeper no longer gets upset with this version of the game. Core input modules are now 10.12+ compliant. If you had given the app permissions, please remove these as the code is Gatekeeper compliant. If you get any warnings (unlikely) let us know asap. Sound modules are now compliant with macOS Sierra (10.12) and newer.
  • HiDPI is enabled, but the resize window will still fail on a resize if the computer has 2 monitors. (known bug)
  • Memory usage display on renderer stats overlay now functions on macOS.
  • Fix clock errors.


  • Remove DirectX code from the game.
  • Fixed edge case heap crash caused by game controllers.


  • Fix bad Xinput crash
  • Fix lag on gameplay.